Dirty Monkey’s Knit Project: PSP Case


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Dirty Monkey’s Knit Project: PSP Case


Fully functional, and ribbed for her pleasure.

The monkey button is from Point.

1) Cast on straight needles enough stiches for a 3-inches wide-rectangle. Knit in stockinette for about 2.5 inches. Remember to put in a button hole.
2) Move the rectangle onto double-pointed or round needles and cast on the amount of stiches you used before, plus another one or two sitches. So, if you cast on 12 stiches before, you’d have those 12, plus another 12, plus 2, for a total of 26. Switch to k2,p2 (maybe change this depending on how thick your yarn is), and continue ribbing until the tube part is about 7 inches long.
3) Cast off/ finish the bottom. I used the three-needle bind off.
4) Sew on monkey button.

Posted by kate on January 20, 2006 06:12 PM | Permalink


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